Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 is gonna be OUR YEAR

Here are some things I have done in 2014 that prove it will be MY YEAR SKY'S THE LIMIT AIRHORN AIRHORN BIG PARADE:

-Mixed maple sugar candy into my coffee. It was very sweet!!!!!
-Ate dinner at 4:30pm. Alright!!!!!
-Went to the doctor with my new health insurance. Got a referral to see additional doctors so I can figure out what is the deal is with the mole between my toes that looks suspicious!!!!!
-Saw "Say Yes to the Dress" for the first time. And then an additional 14 times cause there are many episodes on a website called Netflix.com!!!!!
-Sent some very cool text messages. Just classic fun smart texts. Also had a phone call with my best friend so long that her phone overheated and shut off and she was in a cold location!!!!!
-Bid on and won my new boyfriend for the next three to seven weeks:
You can bet your bottom dollar there will be some wine + puzzlin' happening in my bedroom and no this is not a sex euphemism but I think maybe 2014 is the year I could make it one!!!!!
-Did not sufficiently wash some kale I cooked and it was quite gritty. Ate it anyway!!!!!
-Spent a long time researching whether or not Corey Stoll is currently dating anyone and if so who. Still do not know!!!!!
-Worked vigorously to make the phrase "no iro" happen like when you want to point out that what you are saying or doing is not ironic but rather genuine. Has not yet happened!!!!!
-Watched "The Godfather Part II" for the very first time. Italians!!!!!
-Inspired you all with this classic fun smart post. Take action of your life and be better yous! Your current yous are unacceptable!!!!! Starshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Here you go:

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